Very fun game, it did feel a lil chunky framerate wise, but that could easily be me playing it on a browser, hopefully will be better when downloaded. Besides that though, I love the style and premise. (Downloaded game runs way smoother as expected)
Edit after finishing the game:
-As mentioned in other reviews, the first boss seems to be the hardest due to lacking upgrades. When facing them in the boss rush they were a pushover either due to the upgrades and them probably having less health for that segment, would suggest perhaps a happy medium between those extremes or perhaps keeping their health smoll as without upgrades it'd last longer.
-I like the tells and pattern of the imp, while it took some tries, it felt rewarding to get it down. The checkpoint placement was perfect for this.
-Bat boss was a bit easy, but I don't think that's bad, I think it was perhaps more so a fact that they were easy compared to the first boss. I don't think swapping them would be a good idea as I like the increase in complexity the second boss provided.
-General gripe I had was the cutscenes got a bit annoying when doing repeated boss encounters. The first boss's scene was the most grating due to the many attempts needed and the length of the scene. I do enjoy the cutscenes quite a lot, so a special skip button that maybe appears on screen or perhaps holding the interact button for two seconds to fast forward the scene at a faster rate would be nice.
-Parrying bosses feels really cool, only thing I'd maybe change is giving a slight amount of invincibility, since besides the imp, I don't know if there's a way to really rapidly chain parry any of them without a lot of skill. But even with that want, still a very cool mechanic as is.